Greenlane Conference on E-Commerce & Customs

  • May 11, 2018
  • 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • 15 Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, 117 42 Αθήνα, Greece

Greenlane Conference on E-commerce and trade

Please join Green Lane on Thursday, May 11 for a conference on the customs and duties hurdles that businesses face in international e-commerce. Participation is free of charge.

Speakers from customs authorities, industry, and Green Lane will offer insight into a wide array of regulatory issues companies should deal with to ensure compliance when selling goods internationally.

event program
  • 09:00 : Registration
  • 09:30 – 10:00 : Opening remarks
  • 10:00 – 11:15 : Enforcement of IP rights on imported goods
    Regulation (EU) 608/2013 sets the legal framework for IP border enforcement, imposing controls on suspected counterfeit products, which are either imported or in transit. The panel will discuss the challenges that customs authorities are experiencing, the issue of goods in transit and the current trends. The conversation will focus on e-commerce platforms and their extent of compliance and engagement in anti-counterfeiting and will extend also to customs controls on postal parcels, which are associated with e-commerce sales.
  • 11:15 – 12:30: Regulatory compliance of imported goods – toys, chemical products, etc. and customs controls.
    Goods imported into the EU are subject to the same regulatory requirements as goods made in the EU, such as the registration of chemicals (REACH), marking and labelling, Toy safety, etc. Importers are responsible for ensuring that the goods they place on the EU market comply with all applicable rules. Customs authorities are in charge of enforcing those rules. Our panels, composed of customs officials, operators, and customs lawyers, will discuss the issues commonly associated with regulatory compliance of imported goods sold through e-commerce.
  • 13:00 – 14:30: Importation of low quality goods through e-commerce: customs proceedings OLAF investigations and customs value
    Many goods imported through e-commerce platform are low quality goods, made in countries where labour is cheap. Under pressure from the European anti-fraud office OLAF and the European Commission, the customs authorities are increasingly rejecting the value declared for these imports, and use instead the (often much higher) average value for all goods classifiable under the same tariff position.
2018-5-11 9:00 am 2018-5-11 3:00 pm Europe/London Greenlane Conference on E-Commerce & Customs Please join Greenlane and Drakopoulos for a seminar on the customs and duties hurdles that businesses face in international e-commerce. 15 Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, 117 42 Αθήνα, Greece
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Greenlane/SPCA Customs Conference
  • October 24, 2024
  • 9:15 am to 5:15 pm
  • Palácio da Bolsa
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